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Federal Act
on the Protection of Waters
(Waters Protection Act, WPA)

of 24 January 1991 (Status as of 1 February 2023)

Art. 30 Conditions for the permit

Such with­draw­al may be per­mit­ted provided that:

the re­quire­ments con­tained in Art­icles 31–35 are com­plied with;
taken to­geth­er with oth­er with­draw­als, the flow rate Q347 is re­duced by at most 20 per cent and total with­draw­al amounts to not more than 1,000 litres per second; or
for the sup­ply of drink­ing wa­ter, at most 80 litres per second from a spring and at most 100 litres per second from ground­wa­ter, based on the an­nu­al av­er­age, is with­drawn.