Federal Act
Art. 43 Conservation of groundwater resources
1The cantons shall ensure that over the long term no more water is withdrawn from groundwater resources than flows into them. In the short term, more water may be withdrawn unless this impairs the quality of groundwater or the vegetation. 2If a groundwater resource is impaired as a result of excessive withdrawal or through reduced recharge, the canton shall ensure that the situation is remedied as far as possible, either through reducing the rate of withdrawal or by artificial recharge or by underground storage of drinking water. 3Different groundwater resources may not be connected to each other on a permanent basis if such a connection may impair the quantity or quality of the groundwater. 4Storage volumes and flows of usable groundwater resources may not be substantially reduced on a permanent basis as a result of new installations of any kind. 5Low dams shall not substantially impair the groundwater nor the vegetation which depends on the groundwater level. The authority may grant exceptions for existing installations. 6Drainage of a zone which results in a lowering of the groundwater table over a large area shall be permitted only if agricultural utilisation cannot be ensured in any other way. BGE
102 IB 64 () from 30. Januar 1976
Regeste: Gewässerschutz: BG vom 8. Oktober 1971 (GSchG); Allgemeine Gewässerschutzverordnung des Bundesrates vom 19. Juni 1972 (AGSchV). - GSchG als Rechtsgrundlage für eine kantonale Abbruchverfügung. - Bewilligung für den Bau von Hütten, die der Alpwirtschaft dienen: Auslegung des revidierten Art. 27 AGSchV; sachliches Bedürfnis und Notwendigkeit des Bauens ausserhalb der Bauzone; Zweckentfremdungsverbot. |