1 In enforcing any other federal act or any international agreement, the relevant federal authority is at the same time responsible for the enforcement of the Waters Protection Act. Before making its decision, it shall consult the cantons concerned. The Federal Office for the Environment41 (Federal Office)42 and the other federal agencies concerned shall participate in the enforcement procedures in accordance with Articles 62a and 62b of the Government and Administration Organisation Act of 21 March 199743.
2 If the procedure under paragraph 1 is not suitable for certain tasks, the Federal Council shall regulate enforcement by the federal agencies concerned.
3 The Confederation shall enforce the regulations on substances (Art. 9 para. 2 let. c); it may call on the assistance of the cantons for specific elements of its tasks.
4 The Federal Council shall decide which information obtained in accordance with other federal acts on substances will be made available to the Federal Office.
40 Amended by No I 15 of the FA of 18 June 1999 on the Coordination and Simplification of Decision-making Procedures, in force since 1 Jan. 2000 (AS 1999 3071; BBl 1998 2591).
41 The name of this administrative unit was changed in application of Art. 16 para. 3 of the Publications Ordinance of 17 Nov. 2004 (AS 20044937).
42 Expression in accordance with Annex No 5 of the Gene Technology Act of 21 March 2003, in force since 1 Jan. 2004 (AS 20034803; BBl 2000 2391). This amendment has been taken into account throughout the text.