Art. 54b Implementation of rehabilitation measures 98
1 The level of the global compensatory payments for measures to rehabilitate waters (Art. 62b para. 1 WPA) is governed by:
2 The level of the global compensatory payments shall be agreed between the FOEN and the canton concerned. 3 Compensatory payments may be made individually if the measures:
4 The contribution to the attributable costs of the measures under paragraph 3 shall amount to between 35 and 80 per cent and is governed by the criteria listed in paragraph 1. 5 Compensatory payments for rehabilitation shall only be granted if the canton concerned has drawn up a rehabilitation plan that meets the requirements of Article 41d. 6 No compensatory payments shall be granted under Article 62b paragraph 1 WPA for measures required under Article 4 of the Federal Act of 21 June 199199 on Hydraulic Engineering. 98 Inserted by No I of the O of 4 May 2011, in force since 1 June 2011 (AS 2011 1955). See also the transitional provision relating to this amendment at the end of the text. 99 SR 721.100 |