Waters Protection Ordinance

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 28 October 1998 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

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Art. 56 Training of specialists and provision of information to the public

1 Fin­an­cial as­sist­ance for the train­ing of spe­cial­ists (Art. 64 para. 2 WPA) amounts to:

a max­im­um of 25 per cent of the costs;
a max­im­um of 40 per cent of the costs in the case of pro­jects that are par­tic­u­larly ex­pens­ive giv­en the num­ber of prob­able par­ti­cipants.

2 Fin­an­cial as­sist­ance for the pro­vi­sion of in­form­a­tion to the pub­lic (Art. 64 para. 2 WPA) may be gran­ted to pro­jects if:

they are of sig­ni­fic­ance for Switzer­land as a whole; and
provided the in­form­a­tion doc­u­ments are made avail­able for dis­tri­bu­tion throughout Switzer­land.

3 The fin­an­cial as­sist­ance for the pro­vi­sion of in­form­a­tion to the pub­lic amounts to:

a max­im­um of 40 per cent the costs for the pre­par­a­tion of doc­u­ments;
a max­im­um of 20 per cent the costs for the con­duct of in­form­a­tion cam­paigns.

4 The FOEN shall grant fin­an­cial as­sist­ance for the train­ing of spe­cial­ists and for the pro­vi­sion of in­form­a­tion to the pub­lic on a case-by-case basis.

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