Waters Protection Ordinance

of 28 October 1998 (Status as of 1 February 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 36 Inventory of existing water withdrawals

1 For wa­ter with­draw­als serving in­stall­a­tions us­ing wa­ter power, the in­vent­ory shall in­clude (Art. 82 para. 1 WPA) as a min­im­um:

a de­scrip­tion of the wa­ter with­draw­al and resti­tu­tion (names, co-or­din­ates, height above sea level and, where ap­pro­pri­ate, names of power sta­tions and dams);
the be­gin­ning and dur­a­tion of the right of use gran­ted, its ex­tent, in par­tic­u­lar the amount of wa­ter ex­tract­able in m3/s as well as the name of the per­son en­titled to ex­tract (the user);
the re­mov­able amount of wa­ter in m3/s;
the re­sid­ual flow main­tained pre­vi­ously with de­tails of the loc­a­tion or the wa­ter en­dow­ment flow in l/s;
oth­er ob­lig­a­tions to trans­fer wa­ter im­posed on the user;
the par­ti­cip­a­tion of the user in main­tain­ing and cor­rect­ing the wa­ters;
fur­ther con­di­tions or in­stall­a­tions in the in­terests of wa­ters pro­tec­tion and fish­er­ies;
the Q347 flow rate, the flow re­gime of the wa­ter­course up­stream of the wa­ter with­draw­al point and the amount with­drawn every month in m3/s, ex­pressed as the av­er­age over sev­er­al years, to the ex­tent that this data is avail­able at the time the in­vent­ory is drawn up;
wheth­er the wa­ter is with­drawn from a wa­ter­course flow­ing through land­scapes or hab­it­ats which are lis­ted in the na­tion­al or can­ton­al in­vent­or­ies.

2 For with­draw­als us­ing fixed non-hy­dro­power equip­ment which may be au­thor­ised un­der Art­icle 30 let­ter a WPA, the in­vent­ory shall as a min­im­um state the pur­pose of the with­draw­al and the in­form­a­tion in para­graph 1, let­ters a, b, d, h, and i.

3 For with­draw­als us­ing fixed non-hy­dro­power equip­ment which may be au­thor­ised un­der Art­icle 30 let­ters b or c WPA, the in­vent­ory shall state the in­form­a­tion in para­graph 1 let­ters a and b.

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