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Waters Protection Ordinance

of 28 October 1998 (Status as of 1 February 2023)

Art. 46 Co-ordination 75

1 Where re­quired, the can­tons shall co­ordin­ate meas­ures un­der this Or­din­ance with each oth­er and with meas­ures in oth­er sec­tors. They shall also en­sure the co­ordin­a­tion of the meas­ures with those of neigh­bour­ing can­tons.76

1bis They shall take ac­count of plans un­der this Or­din­ance when draw­ing up struc­ture and land use plans.77

2 In draw­ing up the sup­ply plan for drink­ing wa­ter, they in­clude both ground­wa­ter re­sources already used and those in­ten­ded for ex­ploit­a­tion and en­sure that wa­ter with­draw­als are co-or­din­ated so that no ex­cess­ive with­draw­als take place and the ground­wa­ter re­sources are used eco­nom­ic­ally.

3 In grant­ing au­thor­isa­tions for dis­charges and in­filt­ra­tion un­der Art­icles 6-8 the au­thor­it­ies shall take ac­count of both the re­quire­ments of the En­vir­on­ment­al Pro­tec­tion Act of 7 Oc­to­ber 198378 on pub­lic pro­tec­tion from odour emis­sions as well as the re­quire­ments of the Em­ploy­ment Act of 13 March 196479 and the Ac­ci­dent In­sur­ance Act of 20 March 198180 on pro­tec­tion of the health of staff at waste wa­ter treat­ment plants.

75 Amended by No I of the O of 4 May 2011, in force since 1 June 2011 (AS 2011 1955).

76 Amended by No I of the O of 4 May 2011, in force since 1 June 2011 (AS 2011 1955).

77 In­ser­ted by No I of the O of 4 May 2011, in force since 1 June 2011 (AS 2011 1955).

78 SR 814.01

79 SR 822.11

80 SR 832.20