Waters Protection Ordinance

of 28 October 1998 (Status as of 1 February 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 5 Communal drainage planning

1 The can­tons shall en­sure that gen­er­al drain­age plans (GDP) are drawn up which guar­an­tee ad­equate wa­ters pro­tec­tion in com­munes and ef­fect­ive drain­age of hous­ing areas.

2 The GDP shall spe­cify as a min­im­um:

waste wa­ter treat­ment areas that must be served by pub­lic sew­ers;
areas in which pre­cip­it­a­tion wa­ter run­ning off built-up or sealed sur­faces must be dis­posed of sep­ar­ately from oth­er waste wa­ter;
areas in which non-pol­luted waste wa­ter must be al­lowed to in­filt­rate;
areas in which non-pol­luted waste wa­ter must be dis­charged in­to sur­facewa­ters;
meas­ures by which non-pol­luted waste wa­ter with per­man­ent flow must be kept away from waste wa­ter treat­ment plants;
the loc­a­tions where waste wa­ter treat­ment plantsmust be set up, and withwhich treat­ment sys­tem and with what ca­pa­city;
areas in which sys­tems oth­er than waste wa­ter treat­ment plants must be used, and how, in these areas, waste wa­ter is to be dis­posed of.

3 The GDP shall be ad­jus­ted if ne­ces­sary:

to take ac­count of de­vel­op­ments in hous­ing areas;
if a RDP is drawn up or changed.

4 It shall be ac­cess­ible to the pub­lic.

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