Waters Protection Ordinance

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Art. 4 Regional drainage planning

1 The can­tons shall en­sure that a re­gion­al drain­age plan (RDP) is drawn up to guar­an­tee ap­pro­pri­ate wa­ters pro­tec­tion in a lim­ited, hy­dro­lo­gic­ally-re­lated area in which wa­ters pro­tec­tion meas­ures of the com­munes must be co­ordin­ated.

2 The RDP de­term­ines in par­tic­u­lar:

the loc­a­tions of waste wa­ter treat­ment plants and areas which are to be joined to them;
which and to what ex­tent sur­face wa­ters are suit­able for the dis­charge of waste wa­ter, par­tic­u­larly that arising from pre­cip­it­a­tion;
the waste wa­ter treat­ment plants for which re­quire­ments in re­spect of dis­charge of waste wa­ter must be stricter or sup­ple­men­ted.

3 In draw­ing up the RDP, the au­thor­it­ies shall take ac­count of spa­tial re­quire­ments of wa­ters, flood pro­tec­tion and meas­ures for wa­ters pro­tec­tion oth­er than waste wa­ter treat­ment.

4 The RDP is man­dat­ory for plan­ning and es­tab­lish­ing of wa­ters pro­tec­tion meas­ures in com­munes.

5 It shall be ac­cess­ible to the pub­lic.

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