Federal Act
on Research involving Human Beings
(Human Research Act, HRA)

of 30 September 2011 (Status as of 1 July 2023)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 52 Independence

1 Eth­ics com­mit­tees shall ex­er­cise their du­ties in a pro­fes­sion­ally in­de­pend­ent man­ner, without be­ing sub­ject to in­struc­tions from the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­ity in this re­gard.

2 The mem­bers of eth­ics com­mit­tees shall dis­close their in­terests. Each eth­ics com­mit­tee shall main­tain a pub­licly ac­cess­ible re­gister of in­terests.

3 Mem­bers who are in­ter­ested parties shall not par­ti­cip­ate in the as­sess­ment and de­cision pro­ced­ures.

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