Federal Act
on Funding and Coordination of the Swiss
(Higher Education Act, HEdA)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 30 September 2011 (Status as of 1 March 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 73 Admission to universities of applied sciences

1 Un­til de­cided by the High­er Edu­ca­tion Coun­cil, ad­mis­sion to uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences is sub­ject to the con­di­tions set forth in para­graphs 2–4.

2 Ex­am­in­a­tion-free ad­mis­sion to Bach­el­or’s de­gree pro­grammes in the fields of en­gin­eer­ing and in­form­a­tion tech­no­logy, ar­chi­tec­ture, con­struc­tion and plan­ning, chem­istry and life sci­ences, ag­ri­cul­ture and forestry, busi­ness and ser­vices and design at uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences shall re­quire:

a Fed­er­al Vo­ca­tion­al Bac­ca­laur­eate is­sued on com­ple­tion of a VET pro­gramme for an oc­cu­pa­tion re­lat­ing to the de­sired field of study;
a Fed­er­al Bac­ca­laur­eate or fed­er­ally re­cog­nised bac­ca­laur­eate and at least one year of work ex­per­i­ence that has en­abled the pro­spect­ive stu­dent to gain prac­tic­al know-how and know­ledge in an oc­cu­pa­tion re­lat­ing to the de­sired field of study.

3 The fol­low­ing rel­ev­ant de­crees ad­op­ted on 31 Au­gust 200415 ap­ply for ad­mis­sion to Bach­el­or’s de­gree pro­grammes in the fields of health, so­cial work, mu­sic, theatre and oth­er arts, ap­plied psy­cho­logy and ap­plied lin­guist­ics at uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences:

Res­ol­u­tions ad­op­ted by the Plen­ary As­sembly of the Swiss Con­fer­ence of Can­ton­al Min­is­ters of Health in re­la­tion to study pro­grammes in health care at uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences;
Res­ol­u­tions ad­op­ted by the Plen­ary As­sembly of the Swiss Con­fer­ence of Can­ton­al Min­is­ters of Edu­ca­tion in re­la­tion to study pro­grammes in so­cial work at uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences;
Res­ol­u­tions ad­op­ted by the Plen­ary As­sembly of the Swiss Con­fer­ence of Can­ton­al Min­is­ters of Edu­ca­tion in re­la­tion to high­er edu­ca­tion in­sti­tu­tions spe­cial­ised in mu­sic, theatre, art and design as well as in re­la­tion to study pro­grammes in ap­plied psy­cho­logy and ap­plied lin­guist­ics at uni­versit­ies of ap­plied sci­ences.

4 The cor­res­pond­ing De­part­ment shall de­cide:

what ad­di­tion­al ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments may be in­cluded;
what ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments shall ap­ply to gradu­ates of oth­er edu­ca­tion and train­ing pro­grammes;
the learn­ing ob­ject­ives for one-year train­ee­ships in in­di­vidu­al fields of study.

15 Not pub­lished in the Of­fi­cial Com­pil­a­tion of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion. The text of these de­crees may be con­sul­ted at the State Sec­ret­ari­at for Edu­ca­tion, Re­search and In­nov­a­tion (SERI), Ein­stein­strasse 2, 3003Bern or viewed on­line at.

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