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English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 18 December 1987 (Status as of 1 January 2022)

Art. 41

V. De­clar­a­tion of pre­sumed death

1. Jur­is­dic­tion and ap­plic­able law


1 The Swiss courts at the last known dom­i­cile of a miss­ing per­son have jur­is­dic­tion to is­sue a de­clar­a­tion of pre­sumed death.

2 The Swiss courts also have jur­is­dic­tion to is­sue a de­clar­a­tion of pre­sumed death where jus­ti­fied by a le­git­im­ate in­terest.

3 The re­quire­ments for and ef­fects of a de­clar­a­tion of pre­sumed death are gov­erned by Swiss law.