Federal Act
on Private International Law

of 18 December 1987 (Status as of 1 July 2022)

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Art. 149

1 For­eign de­cisions re­lat­ing to a claim un­der the law of ob­lig­a­tions are re­cog­nised in Switzer­land:

if they were rendered in the state of the de­fend­ant’s dom­i­cile; or
if they were rendered in the state of the de­fend­ant’s ha­bitu­al res­id­ence, in­so­far as the claims re­late to an activ­ity car­ried out in such state.

2 They are also re­cog­nised:

if the de­cision relates to a con­trac­tu­al ob­lig­a­tion, was rendered in the state of per­form­ance of the char­ac­ter­ist­ic ob­lig­a­tion, and the de­fend­ant was not dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land;
if the de­cision relates to a claim un­der a con­tract con­cluded with a con­sumer, was rendered at the con­sumer’s dom­i­cile or ha­bitu­al res­id­ence, and the re­quire­ments provided in Art­icle 120 para­graph 1 are met;
if the de­cision relates to a claim un­der an em­ploy­ment con­tract, was rendered either at the place of the es­tab­lish­ment or at the place of work, and the em­ploy­ee was not dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land;
if the de­cision relates to a claim arising out of the op­er­a­tion of an es­tab­lish­ment and was rendered at the loc­a­tion of that es­tab­lish­ment;
if the de­cision relates to un­just en­rich­ment, was rendered at the place where the act or res­ult oc­curred, and the de­fend­ant was not dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land; or
if the de­cision relates to an ob­lig­a­tion in tort, was rendered at the place where the act or the res­ult oc­curred or, in the case of nuc­le­ar in­cid­ents, at the place where the nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tion of the op­er­at­or li­able is loc­ated, and the de­fend­ant was not dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land.

85 Amended by Art. 3 No 3 of the FD of 11 Dec. 2009 (Ap­prov­al and Im­ple­ment­a­tion of the Lugano Con­ven­tion), in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 5601; BBl 2009 1777).

86 Amended by An­nex No II 3 of the Nuc­le­ar En­ergy Li­ab­il­ity Act of 13 June 2008, in force since 1 Jan. 2022, pub­lished 27 Jan. 2022 (AS 2022 43; BBl 2007 5397).


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