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Federal Act
on Private International Law

Art. 115

4. Em­ploy­ment con­tracts


1 The Swiss courts at the de­fend­ant’s dom­i­cile or at the place where the em­ploy­ee ha­bitu­ally per­forms their work have jur­is­dic­tion to hear ac­tions re­lat­ing to an em­ploy­ment con­tract.

2 An ac­tion ini­ti­ated by an em­ploy­ee may also be brought be­fore the courts at their dom­i­cile or ha­bitu­al res­id­ence in Switzer­land.

3 Moreover, the Swiss courts at the place where an em­ploy­ee is pos­ted from abroad for a lim­ited peri­od of time to carry out all or part of their work have jur­is­dic­tion to hear ac­tions per­tain­ing to the terms of em­ploy­ment and the salary con­di­tions ap­plic­able to such work.72

72In­ser­ted by An­nex No 1 of the FA of 8 Oct. 1999 on Work­ers pos­ted to Switzer­land, in force since 1 June 2004 (AS 20031370; BBl19996128).