Federal Act
on Private International Law

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Art. 122

e. Con­tracts per­tain­ing to in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty


1 Con­tracts per­tain­ing to in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty are gov­erned by the law of the state in which the trans­fer­or or li­censor of the in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty right has their ha­bitu­al res­id­ence.

2 A choice of law is al­lowed.

3 Con­tracts con­cluded between an em­ploy­er and an em­ploy­ee con­cern­ing rights to in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty cre­ated by the em­ploy­ee in the course of per­form­ing their work are gov­erned by the law ap­plic­able to the em­ploy­ment con­tract.


140 III 473 (4A_256/2014) from 8. September 2014
Regeste: Art. 15, 117 und 122 IPRG; anwendbares Recht; Übertragung von Patentanmeldungen. Bestimmung des anwendbaren Rechts. Auf Verträge über die Übertragung von Patentanmeldungen ist Art. 122 IPRG anwendbar. Offengelassen, ob für eine Abweichung von der in Art. 122 IPRG vorgesehenen Anknüpfung Art. 15 oder 117 Abs. 1 IPRG massgebend wäre (E. 2).


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