Art. 126
d. Power of representation 1 If power of representation is based on a contract, the relationship between the principal and the agent is governed by the law applicable to their contract. 2 The conditions under which acts of the agent bind the principal and the third party are governed by the law of the state of the agent’s establishment or, in the absence of such establishment or if the latter was not discernible by the third party, by the law of the state in which the agent carries out their main activity in the case at hand. 3 If the agent is bound to the principal by an employment contract and does not have their own establishment, their establishment is deemed to be at the seat of the principal. 4 The law referred to in paragraph 2 also governs the relationship between an unauthorised agent and the third party. BGE
131 III 511 () from 31. Mai 2005
Regeste: a Art. 116, 126 und 196 IPRG; anwendbares Recht. Bestimmung des anwendbaren Rechts im Fall, dass Garantien von einem Vertreter abgegeben werden, dessen Vertretungsbefugnis vom Vertretenen bestritten wird (E. 2).
134 III 224 (4A_317/2007) from 9. Januar 2008
Regeste: a Internationales Privatrecht. Übergangsrecht zum IPRG. Anknüpfung des Aussenverhältnisses bei der Stellvertretung (E. 3). |