Federal Act
on Private International Law

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Art. 157

2. Pro­tec­tion of the name and busi­ness name


1 The pro­tec­tion of the name or busi­ness name of com­pan­ies re­gistered in the Swiss com­mer­cial re­gister against in­fringe­ments in Switzer­land is gov­erned by Swiss law.

2 The pro­tec­tion of the name or busi­ness name of a com­pany which is not re­gistered in the Swiss com­mer­cial re­gister is gov­erned by the law ap­plic­able to un­fair com­pet­i­tion (Art. 136) or the law ap­plic­able to in­fringe­ments of per­son­al­ity rights (Art. 132, 133 and 139).


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