Art. 161
VI. Transfer, merger, demerger and transfer of assets and liabilities 1. Transfer of a company from abroad to Switzerland a. In general 1 A foreign company may subject itself to Swiss law without being liquidated or re-established, provided this is allowed under the foreign law governing the company. The company must meet the requirements of its foreign law and must be able to adapt itself to one of the forms of organisation of Swiss law. 2 The Federal Council may authorise a company to subject itself to Swiss law even where the requirements of its foreign law are not met, particularly if significant Swiss interests are at stake. BGE
138 III 714 (4A_50/2012) from 16. Oktober 2012
Regeste: Parteifähigkeit in internationalen Schiedsverfahren mit Sitz in der Schweiz; Einfluss des Konkurses auf die Gültigkeit der Schiedsvereinbarung (Art. 178 Abs. 2 IPRG). Bestimmung der Parteifähigkeit in einem Schiedsverfahren nach dem 12. Kapitel IPRG (E. 3.3); Parteifähigkeit einer portugiesischen Konkursmasse (E. 3.4) und deren Bindung an die Schiedsvereinbarung (E. 3.6). |