Federal Act
on Private International Law

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Art. 174c130

IIIter. Re­cog­ni­tion of for­eign de­cisions on avoid­ance claims and sim­il­ar de­cisions


For­eign judg­ments on avoid­ance claims or oth­er­wise re­lat­ing to acts pre­ju­di­cial to cred­it­ors, which are closely con­nec­ted with a bank­ruptcy de­cree re­cog­nised in Switzer­land, shall be re­cog­nised in ac­cord­ance with Art­icles 25–27 if they were rendered or are re­cog­nised in the state of ori­gin of the bank­ruptcy de­cree and the de­fend­ant was not dom­i­ciled in Switzer­land.

130 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 16 March 2018, in force since 1 Jan. 2019 (AS 2018 3263; BBl 2017 4125).


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