Federal Act
on Private International Law

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Art. 180a145

b. Pro­ced­ure


1 Un­less the parties have agreed oth­er­wise and if the ar­bit­ra­tion pro­ceed­ings have not yet been con­cluded, writ­ten no­tice of the chal­lenge stat­ing the grounds must be giv­en to the chal­lenged mem­ber of the ar­bit­ral tribunal and the oth­er mem­bers of the ar­bit­ral tribunal with­in 30 days of the date on which the chal­len­ging party be­comes aware of the grounds for the chal­lenge or could have be­come aware there­of had it ex­er­cised due di­li­gence.

2 The chal­len­ging party may with­in 30 days of fil­ing the chal­lenge re­quest the state court to re­ject the chal­lenged mem­ber. The state court’s de­cision is fi­nal.

3 Dur­ing the chal­lenge pro­ced­ure, the ar­bit­ral tribunal may con­tin­ue the pro­ceed­ings without ex­clud­ing the chal­lenged mem­ber un­til the de­cision is taken, un­less the parties have agreed oth­er­wise.

145 In­ser­ted by No 1 of the FA of 19 June 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 4179; BBl 2018 7163).


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