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Federal Act
on Private International Law

Art. 77

II. Ap­plic­able law


1 The re­quire­ments for an ad­op­tion in Switzer­land are gov­erned by Swiss law.

2 Where it ap­pears that an ad­op­tion would not be re­cog­nised in the state of dom­i­cile or the state of cit­izen­ship of the ad­opt­ing per­son or ad­opt­ing spouses and that ser­i­ous pre­ju­dice would res­ult for the child, the au­thor­ity shall also take ac­count of the re­quire­ments un­der the law of the re­spect­ive state. If, even then, re­cog­ni­tion does not ap­pear to be as­sured, the ad­op­tion shall not be pro­nounced.

3 An ac­tion to chal­lenge an ad­op­tion pro­nounced in Switzer­land is gov­erned by Swiss law. An ad­op­tion pro­nounced abroad may be chal­lenged in Switzer­land only if a ground for chal­lenge also ex­ists un­der Swiss law.