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Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

Art. 105 Competent judge 154

The com­pet­ent court un­der Art­icle 32 Crim­PC155 shall in­form the con­victed per­son of the ap­plic­able pro­ced­ure, hear him on the mat­ter, as well as his coun­sel, and de­cide on en­force­ment.

154 Amended by An­nex 1 No II 13 of the Crim­in­al Pro­ced­ure Code of 5 Oct. 2007, in force since 1 Jan. 2011 (AS 2010 1881; BBl 2006 1085).

155 SR 312.0