Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

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Art. 20a Transit 63

1 In the in­terest of pro­ceed­ings car­ried out in an­oth­er State and per­mit­ted un­der this Act, the FOJ may per­mit trans­it through Swiss ter­rit­ory and ap­prove the meas­ures re­quired there­for on sub­mis­sion of a re­quest by the State con­cerned or a third State without hear­ing the per­son con­cerned. There is no right of ap­peal against the de­cision and an­cil­lary meas­ures. They shall be no­ti­fied only to the re­quest­ing State.

2 No ap­prov­al shall be re­quired if the de­tained per­son is to be trans­por­ted by air­craft over Swiss ter­rit­ory without a stop­over land­ing. In the event of an un­sched­uled stop­over land­ing, the de­tained per­son may be kept in cus­tody only if:

the re­quire­ments for his ar­rest un­der Art­icle 44 are met; or
the State ar­ran­ging for the trans­port to be made has pre­vi­ously in­formed the FOJ by in­dic­at­ing the reas­on for sur­render and the of­fence which is the basis for it.

3 Only the FOJ may in­ter­rupt the trans­it to pro­sec­ute an of­fence or to ex­ecute a crim­in­al judg­ment in Switzer­land.

63 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1996, in force since 1 Feb. 1997 (AS 1997114; BBl 1995 III 1).

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