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Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

Art. 47 Arrest warrant and other rulings

1 The FOJ shall is­sue an ar­rest war­rant with a view to ex­tra­di­tion. It may de­cline to do so, es­pe­cially if the de­fend­ant:

will prob­ably not elude ex­tra­di­tion and will not en­danger the crim­in­al in­vest­ig­a­tion; or
can prove without delay that he was not at the place of the of­fence when it was com­mit­ted.

2 If the de­fend­ant is un­fit to re­main in de­ten­tion or if there are oth­er val­id reas­ons, the FOJ may or­der meas­ures oth­er than de­ten­tion to en­sure his pres­ence.

3 At the same time the FOJ shall rule on which ob­jects and as­sets will re­main seized or must be seized.