Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

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Art. 56 Executability

1 Ex­tra­di­tion may be ex­ecuted if the de­fend­ant:

ex­pressly re­quests his own im­me­di­ate ex­tra­di­tion; or
does not give no­tice with­in five days of the is­sue of the rul­ing that he will file an ap­peal.

2 If ex­tra­di­tion is re­fused, the FOJ shall re­lease the per­son con­cerned from de­ten­tion with a view to ex­tra­di­tion.


117 IV 359 () from 4. Oktober 1991
Regeste: 1.Zuständigkeit der Anklagekammer für die Behandlung von Beschwerden im Bereich der Auslieferung (E. 1). 2.Fälle, in welchen die Auslieferungshaft aufzuheben ist (E. 2).

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