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Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

Art. 65 Application of foreign law 114

1 At the ex­press re­quest of the for­eign State:

the state­ments of wit­nesses or ex­perts shall be af­firmed in the form pre­scribed by the laws of the re­quest­ing State, even if the ap­plic­able Swiss law does not provide such a form;
forms ne­ces­sary to ob­tain oth­er evid­ence that is ad­miss­ible in court may be taken in­to con­sid­er­a­tion.

2 Forms for ob­tain­ing and af­firm­ing evid­ence ac­cord­ing to para­graph 1 must be com­pat­ible with Swiss law, and no es­sen­tial pre­ju­dice may res­ult there­from to the per­sons in­volved.

3 A per­son may also re­fuse to testi­fy provided the law of the re­quest­ing State so provides or if the fact of testi­fy­ing may cause crim­in­al or dis­cip­lin­ary sanc­tions to be im­posed un­der the laws of that State or of the State where the ex­amined per­son lives.

114 Amended by No I of the FA of 4 Oct. 1996, in force since 1 Feb. 1997 (AS 1997114; BBl 1995 III 1).