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Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

Art. 70 Transfer of arrested persons

1 Per­sons held in cus­tody in Switzer­land may be trans­ferred to a for­eign au­thor­ity for the pur­pose of in­vest­ig­a­tions if they are guar­an­teed safe con­duct and if it is guar­an­teed that they will be kept in cus­tody and re­turned to Switzer­land on re­quest.

2 Per­sons who are not in­dicted abroad and Swiss cit­izens may be trans­ferred only with their writ­ten con­sent. This is not ne­ces­sary if the trans­fer is re­quired for the ex­e­cu­tion of a Swiss re­quest or for con­front­a­tion with oth­er per­sons abroad.