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Federal Act
on International Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters
(Mutual Assistance Act, IMAC)

Art. 72 Maintaining of custody

1 If a de­tained per­son is sur­rendered to the Swiss au­thor­it­ies in the course of an act of as­sist­ance, the war­rant for his ar­rest is­sued abroad shall also be val­id in Switzer­land for the peri­od of his stay in Switzer­land.

2 Dur­ing trans­it the de­fend­ant shall be kept in cus­tody by vir­tue of the or­der for trans­it giv­en by the FOJ.

3 In those cases the de­tained per­son may be re­leased only with the agree­ment of the com­pet­ent for­eign au­thor­ity.