Art. 91 Decision on the request
1 The FOJ shall decide on whether to accept the foreign request after consulting the prosecuting authorities. 2 If it accepts the request, it shall transmit the file to the prosecuting authority and notify the requesting State and the person concerned. 3 The decision does not create an obligation to institute criminal proceedings. 4 The FOJ may refuse to assume responsibility for the prosecution if there is good cause not to do so or if the seriousness of the offence does not justify it. BGE
137 IV 33 (6B_731/2009, 6B_732/2009, 6B_733/2009) from 9. November 2010
Regeste: a Art. 19 Ziff. 4 BetmG; Auslandtaten. Anforderungen an die Lokalisierung von im Ausland begangenen Taten (E. 2.1.3). |