Federal Act on Collective Investment Schemes

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

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Art. 138a Creditors' meetings and creditors' committees

1The bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or may ap­ply to FINMA for the fol­low­ing:

to con­sti­tute a cred­it­ors' meet­ing and de­term­ine its powers as well as the ne­ces­sary at­tend­ance and vot­ing quor­ums ne­ces­sary to pass res­ol­u­tions;
to des­ig­nate a cred­it­ors' com­mit­tee and de­term­ine its com­pos­i­tion and powers.

2In the case of a SICAV with sub­funds as defined in Art­icle 94, a cred­it­ors' meet­ing or cred­it­ors' com­mit­tee may be es­tab­lished for each sub­fund.

3FINMA is un­der no ob­lig­a­tion to fol­low the pro­pos­als of the bank­ruptcy li­quid­at­or.

1 In­ser­ted by No I of the FA of 28 Sept. 2012, in force since 1 March 2013 (AS2013 585; BBl 2012 3639).

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