Federal Act
on Collective Investment Schemes
(Collective Investment Schemes Act, CISA)

of 23 June 2006 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

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Art. 72 Organisation

1 The cus­todi­an bank must be a bank pur­su­ant to the Fed­er­al Act on Banks and Sav­ings Banks of 8 Novem­ber 1934100 and have an ap­pro­pri­ate or­gan­isa­tion­al struc­ture to act as cus­todi­an bank to col­lect­ive in­vest­ment schemes.101

2 In ad­di­tion to the per­sons en­trus­ted with the man­age­ment, the per­sons en­trus­ted with the tasks of cus­todi­an bank activ­ity must also com­ply with the re­quire­ments laid down in Art­icle 14 para­graph 1 let­ter a.

100 SR 952.0

101 Amended by No I of the FA of 28 Sept. 2012, in force since 1 March 2013 (AS 2013 585; BBl 2012 3639).

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