Federal Act
on Collective Investment Schemes
(Collective Investment Schemes Act, CISA)

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Art. 40 Shares

1 The com­pany shares are re­gistered.

2 The com­pany and in­vestor shares have no nom­in­al value and must be fully paid up in cash.

3 The shares are freely trans­fer­able. The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may re­strict in­vestor eli­gib­il­ity to qual­i­fied in­vestors if the shares of the SICAV are not lis­ted on an ex­change. If the SICAV with­holds its con­sent to a trans­fer of the shares, Art­icle 82 ap­plies.

4 The art­icles of as­so­ci­ation may spe­cify dif­fer­ent cat­egor­ies of shares, to which dif­fer­ent rights are as­signed.

5 The is­su­ing of par­ti­cip­a­tion cer­ti­fic­ates, di­vidend right cer­ti­fic­ates and pref­er­ence shares is pro­hib­ited.

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