Nuclear Energy Act

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 21 March 2003 (Status as of 1 January 2021)

Open article in different language:  DE  |  FR  |  IT
Art. 91 Breach of secrecy

1 Any per­son who wil­fully com­mits any of the fol­low­ing of­fences shall be li­able to a term of im­pris­on­ment or a fine not ex­ceed­ing 500,000 Swiss francs:

ob­tain­ing de­tails of secret facts or pre­cau­tion­ary meas­ures aimed at pro­tect­ing nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tions, nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als or ra­dio­act­ive waste against in­ter­ven­tion by third parties or the ef­fects of armed con­flicts, in or­der to make them known, or make them ac­cess­ible to un­au­thor­ised parties, or to use the in­form­a­tion thus ob­tained them­selves in an un­au­thor­ised man­ner;
mak­ing such facts or meas­ures known or mak­ing them ac­cess­ible to un­au­thor­ised parties.

2 If the of­fend­er has ac­ted neg­li­gently, he shall be li­able to a term of im­pris­on­ment not ex­ceed­ing six months or a fine not ex­ceed­ing 100,000 Swiss francs.

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