Nuclear Energy Act

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Art. 68 Expiry

1 The li­cence ex­pires when:

the peri­od of valid­ity cited therein has elapsed;
the li­cence hold­er no­ti­fies the li­cens­ing au­thor­ity that it wishes to re­nounce the li­cence;
the De­part­ment or the Fed­er­al Coun­cil de­clare (in ac­cord­ance with Art­icle 39 para­graph 4) that the site is no longer sub­ject to the pro­vi­sions of nuc­le­ar en­ergy le­gis­la­tion.

2 A gen­er­al li­cence shall ex­pire if an ap­plic­a­tion for a con­struc­tion li­cence is not sub­mit­ted with­in the stated peri­od. A con­struc­tion li­cence shall ex­pire if con­struc­tion work is not com­menced with­in the stated peri­od.

3 When a gen­er­al li­cence ex­pires, the con­struc­tion li­cence and op­er­at­ing li­cence shall ex­pire with it.

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