Nuclear Energy Act

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Art. 11 Obligation to report and keep records

1 Li­cence hold­ers are ob­liged to no­ti­fy the su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies without delay in the event of spe­cial activ­it­ies and oc­cur­rences re­lat­ing to the hand­ling of nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als which could in­ter­fere with nuc­le­ar safety or se­cur­ity. The Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall spe­cify the activ­it­ies and events con­cerned.

2 The Fed­er­al Coun­cil may im­pose a re­port­ing ob­lig­a­tion for the pos­ses­sion of nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als.

3 Own­ers of nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als are ob­liged to mon­it­or their in­vent­or­ies, main­tain de­tailed re­cords there­of, and re­port on them to the rel­ev­ant su­per­vis­ory au­thor­it­ies on a peri­od­ic­al basis. These ob­lig­a­tions shall also ap­ply to any nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als they may own that is kept abroad.

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