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Nuclear Energy Act

Art. 44 Involvement of the canton in which the installation is to be located

The De­part­ment shall in­volve the can­ton in which the in­stall­a­tion is to be loc­ated as well as the can­tons and coun­tries whose bor­ders lie in the im­me­di­ate vi­cin­ity of the planned loc­a­tion be­fore mak­ing a de­cision on the gen­er­al li­cence. The con­cerns of the can­ton in which the in­stall­a­tion is to be loc­ated as well as those of the can­tons and coun­tries whose bor­ders lie in the im­me­di­ate vi­cin­ity must be taken in­to ac­count, provided this does not place un­reas­on­able lim­it­a­tions on the pro­ject.