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Nuclear Energy Act

Art. 49 General provisions

1 The pro­ced­ures gov­ern­ing con­struc­tion li­cences for nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tions and li­cences for geo­lo­gic­al in­vest­ig­a­tions are gov­erned by the APA17 un­less this Act provides oth­er­wise.18

1bis If com­puls­ory pur­chases are re­quired, the pro­vi­sions of the Fed­er­al Act of 20 June 193019 on Com­puls­ory Pur­chase (CPA) also ap­ply.20

2 The grant­ing of a li­cence en­com­passes all re­quire­ments in ac­cord­ance with fed­er­al le­gis­la­tion.

3 Can­ton­al li­cences and plans are not re­quired. Can­ton­al le­gis­la­tion must be taken in­to ac­count, in­so­far as this does not un­duly com­prom­ise the pro­ject.

4 The De­part­ment shall con­sult the can­ton in which the in­stall­a­tion is loc­ated be­fore it grants a li­cence. If the can­ton should re­ject the ap­plic­a­tion, but the De­part­ment non­ethe­less is­sues the li­cence, the can­ton shall be en­titled to file an ap­peal.

5 A nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tion also en­com­passes all ex­ploit­a­tion and in­stall­a­tion sites as­so­ci­ated with its con­struc­tion and op­er­a­tion. Geo­lo­gic­al in­vest­ig­a­tions and deep geo­lo­gic­al re­pos­it­or­ies also in­clude sites for the use or stor­age of ex­cav­ated, ex­trac­ted and de­moli­tion ma­ter­i­al that are dir­ectly re­lated to the pro­ject in spa­tial and func­tion­al re­spects.

17 SR 172.021

18 Amended by An­nex No 11 of the FA of 19 June 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 4085; BBl 2018 4713).

19 SR 711

20 In­ser­ted by An­nex No 11 of the FA of 19 June 2020, in force since 1 Jan. 2021 (AS 2020 4085; BBl 2018 4713).