Nuclear Energy Ordinance

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Art. 14 Licence procedure for the export and mediation of nuclear materials and technology relating to nuclear materials 15

1 The Fed­er­al Of­fice shall au­thor­ise ap­plic­a­tions for li­cences for the ex­port and me­di­ation of nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als and tech­no­logy re­lat­ing to nuc­le­ar ma­ter­i­als un­less there is an in­dic­a­tion that the li­cens­ing re­quire­ments in Art­icle 7 NEA have not been met.

2 It shall re­fuse the ap­plic­a­tion if a ne­ces­sary li­cens­ing re­quire­ment in Art­icle 7 NEA has not been met.

3 In oth­er cases, it shall de­cide by agree­ment with the com­pet­ent of­fices of the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of For­eign Af­fairs, the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of Eco­nom­ic Af­fairs, Edu­ca­tion and Re­search and the Fed­er­al De­part­ment of De­fence, Civil Pro­tec­tion and Sport and in con­sulta­tion with the Fed­er­al In­tel­li­gence Ser­vice. If no agree­ment can be reached, the Fed­er­al Coun­cil shall de­cide based on the De­part­ment’s pro­pos­al.

15 Amended by An­nex 8 No I of the Goods Con­trol Or­din­ance of 3 June 2016, in force since 1 Ju­ly 2016 (AS 2016 2195).

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