Art. 1 Nuclear materials covered by this Ordinance 2
1 Nuclear materials are: - a.
- source materials:
- 1.
- natural uranium, i.e. uranium with the mixture of isotopes that occurs in nature,
- 2.
- depleted uranium, i.e. uranium that has a lower percentage of uranium 235 than natural uranium,
- 3.
- thorium,
- 4.
- the substances mentioned in numbers 1-3 above in the form of metal, alloys, chemical compounds or concentrates and other materials that contain one or more of the abovementioned substances in a concentration specified by the International Atomic Energy Agency or higher;
- b.
- special fissile materials:
- 1.
- plutonium 239,
- 2.
- uranium 233,
- 3.
- uranium 235,
- 4.
- enriched uranium, i.e. uranium in which the percentage of uranium 233, uranium 235 or both isotopes together is higher than that of uranium 235 in natural uranium,
- 5.
- the substances mentioned in numbers 1-4 above in the form of metal, alloys, chemical compounds or concentrates and other materials that contain one or more of the abovementioned substances in a concentration specified by the International Atomic Energy Agency or higher.
2 The following are not classified as nuclear materials: - a.
- uranium and thorium ores;
- b.
- source materials and products made from source materials that are not used for obtaining energy by means of nuclear fission processes, and in particular shielding materials, sensors in measuring instruments, ceramic compounds and alloys;
- c.
- special fissile materials with a weight of up to 15 grams and products made from special fissile materials that are not used for obtaining energy by means of nuclear fission processes, and in particular sensors in measuring instruments and other finished products for which the recovery of the special fissile materials contained therein requires disproportionate technical effort or financial expense.
2 Amended by Annex 6 No II 2 of the Safeguards Ordinance of 21 March 2012, in force since 1 May 2012 (AS 2012 1703).