Nuclear Energy Ordinance

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Art. 53 Clearance measurement of materials

1 Any per­son in­tend­ing to re­move ma­ter­i­als from con­trolled zones of a nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tion must carry out a clear­ance meas­ure­ment with ap­pro­pri­ate qual­ity as­sur­ance and doc­u­ment it.61

2 Quant­it­ies of ma­ter­i­al weigh­ing more than 1,000 kilo­grams or with a volume great­er than a cu­bic metre must be re­por­ted to EN­SI at least 10 days pri­or to re­mov­al from the nuc­le­ar in­stall­a­tion, and the re­quired doc­u­ment­a­tion must be sub­mit­ted.62

3 EN­SI shall spe­cify the de­tailed re­quire­ments on clear­ance meas­ure­ment and re­port­ing in guidelines.63

61 Amended by No I of the O of 7 Dec. 2018, in force since 1 Feb. 2019 (AS 2019 183).

62 Amended by An­nex No 12 of the O of 12 Nov. 2008 on the SwissFed­er­al Nuc­le­ar Safety In­spect­or­ate, in force since 1 Jan. 2009 (AS 2008 5747).

63 Amended by An­nex No 12 of the O of 12 Nov. 2008 on the SwissFed­er­al Nuc­le­ar Safety In­spect­or­ate, in force since 1 Jan. 2009 (AS 2008 5747).

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