Federal Act
on War Materiel
(War Mat Act, WMA)

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Art. 12

In re­spect of the activ­it­ies that re­quire a li­cence in terms of this Act, a dis­tinc­tion is made between the fol­low­ing spe­cif­ic li­cences:

broker­age li­cence;
im­port li­cence;
ex­port li­cence;
trans­it li­cence;
li­cence to enter in­to agree­ments re­lat­ing to the trans­fer of in­tel­lec­tu­al prop­erty, in­clud­ing know-how, or the grant­ing of rights thereto;
trad­ing li­cence.

18 Re­pealed by No I 2 of the Fed­er­al Act of 22 June 2001 on the Stream­lin­ing of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion on Arms, War Ma­ter­i­el, Ex­plos­ives and Goods Us­able for Ci­vil­ian and Mil­it­ary Pur­poses, with ef­fect from 1 March 2002 (AS 2002 248; BBl 2000 3369).

19 In­ser­ted by No I 2 of the Fed­er­al Act of 22 June 2001 on the Stream­lin­ing of Fed­er­al Le­gis­la­tion on Arms, War Ma­ter­i­el, Ex­plos­ives and Goods Us­able for Ci­vil­ian and Mil­it­ary Pur­poses, in force since 1 March 2002 (AS 2002 248; BBl 2000 3369).

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