Art. 18 Non-re-export declarations; Exemptions
1 As a general rule, an export licence may be granted only if it relates to a delivery to a foreign government or to an undertaking acting on behalf of a foreign government, and if a declaration is provided by that government stating that the materiel will not be re-exported (a non-re-export declaration). 2 A non-re-export declaration may be waived in the case of individual parts or assembly packages of war materiel if it is established that, once abroad, they will be integrated into a product and not re-exported unmodified, or in the case of anonymous components, that their value in comparison with the finished war materiel is negligible. BGE
117 IV 336 () from 5. November 1991
Regeste: Widerhandlungen gegen das Kriegsmaterialgesetz. Einziehung von Kriegsmaterial. 1. Verhältnis zwischen Art. 20 KMG und Art. 58 Abs. 1 lit. b StGB. Kriegsmaterial kann im Falle der Feststellung einer Widerhandlung gegen das KMG nach dessen Art. 20 unabhängig davon eingezogen werden, ob eine erneute Widerhandlung gegen das KMG hinreichend wahrscheinlich ist (E. 2). 2. Art. 20 KMG. "Besondere Gründe", die einer Einziehung von Kriegsmaterial entgegenstehen, im konkreten Fall verneint (E. 3). |