Open article in different language:
Art. 45 International cooperation
1 The federal authorities shall work with specialised national and international offices and institutions and carry out the tasks required under international treaties. 2 International administrative assistance is governed by Article 22 of the Federal Act of 6 October 199515 on Technical Barriers to Trade. 3 The Federal Council may on its own initiative conclude international agreements on Switzerland’s participation in international systems to guarantee the safety of foodstuffs and utility articles. 4 It may recognise foreign inspection agencies, declarations and certificates of conformity and inspections, controls, conformity assessments or licencing procedures carried out abroad. Article 18 paragraph 2 of the Federal Act on Technical Barriers to Trade remains reserved. BGE
117 IV 345 () from 5. November 1991
Regeste: Widerhandlungen gegen das Kriegsmaterialgesetz. Einziehung von Kriegsmaterial (Art. 20 KMG, Art. 58 Abs. 1 lit. b StGB). Verwendung eines allfälligen Verwertungserlöses. Der Nettoerlös aus der Verwertung von eingezogenem Kriegsmaterial ist an den von der Einziehung betroffenen Eigentümer auszubezahlen. |