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on Air Pollution Control (OAPC)

English is not an official language of the Swiss Confederation. This translation is provided for information purposes only and has no legal force.

of 16 December 1985 (Status as of 1 April 2020)

Art. 2 Definitions

1 Sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions means:

build­ings and oth­er fixed struc­tures;
ter­rain modi­fic­a­tions;
equip­ment and ma­chines;
vent­il­a­tion sys­tems which col­lect vehicle flue gases and dis­charge them as waste air in­to the en­vir­on­ment.

2 Vehicles means mo­tor vehicles, air­craft, ships and rail­ways.

3 Trans­port in­fra­struc­ture means roads, air­fields, rail­way tracks and oth­er in­stall­a­tions where vehicle flue gases are re­leased in­to the en­vir­on­ment as waste air without be­ing col­lec­ted.

4 New in­stall­a­tions also in­cludes in­stall­a­tions which are altered, ex­ten­ded or re­paired if:

high­er or dif­fer­ent emis­sions are to be ex­pec­ted as a res­ult; or
the costs in­curred amount to more than half those of a new in­stall­a­tion.

5 Am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion levels are ex­cess­ive if one or more of the am­bi­ent lim­it val­ues spe­cified in An­nex 7 is ex­ceeded. If no such lim­it val­ues are spe­cified for a pol­lut­ant, am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion levels shall be con­sidered ex­cess­ive if:

they en­danger hu­man be­ings, an­im­als, plants or their bio­lo­gic­al com­munit­ies or hab­it­ats;
a sur­vey es­tab­lishes that they sig­ni­fic­antly af­fect the well-be­ing of a sub­stan­tial pro­por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion;
they dam­age build­ings; or
they harm soil fer­til­ity, ve­get­a­tion or wa­ters.

6 Pla­cing on the mar­ket means the trans­fer or dis­pos­al for the first time, wheth­er or not for con­sid­er­a­tion, of equip­ment or ma­chines for dis­tri­bu­tion or use in Switzer­land. Equi­val­ent to pla­cing on the mar­ket is the com­mis­sion­ing, for the first time, of equip­ment or ma­chines at one's own en­ter­prise in cases where pla­cing on the mar­ket has not pre­vi­ously oc­curred.3

3 Amended by No I of the O of 18 June 2010, in force since 15 Ju­ly 2010 (AS 2010 2965).