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on Air Pollution Control

of 16 December 1985 (Status as of 1 October 2022)

Art. 2 Definitions

1 Sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tions means:

build­ings and oth­er fixed struc­tures;
ter­rain modi­fic­a­tions;
equip­ment and ma­chines;
vent­il­a­tion sys­tems which col­lect vehicle flue gases and dis­charge them as waste air in­to the en­vir­on­ment.

2 Vehicles means mo­tor vehicles, air­craft, ships and rail­ways.

3 Trans­port in­fra­struc­ture means roads, air­fields, rail­way tracks and oth­er in­stall­a­tions where vehicle flue gases are re­leased in­to the en­vir­on­ment as waste air without be­ing col­lec­ted.

4 New in­stall­a­tions also in­cludes in­stall­a­tions which are altered, ex­ten­ded or re­paired if:

high­er or dif­fer­ent emis­sions are to be ex­pec­ted as a res­ult; or
the costs in­curred amount to more than half those of a new in­stall­a­tion.

5 Am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion levels are ex­cess­ive if one or more of the am­bi­ent lim­it val­ues spe­cified in An­nex 7 is ex­ceeded. If no such lim­it val­ues are spe­cified for a pol­lut­ant, am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion levels shall be con­sidered ex­cess­ive if:

they en­danger hu­man be­ings, an­im­als, plants or their bio­lo­gic­al com­munit­ies or hab­it­ats;
a sur­vey es­tab­lishes that they sig­ni­fic­antly af­fect the well-be­ing of a sub­stan­tial pro­por­tion of the pop­u­la­tion;
they dam­age build­ings; or
they harm soil fer­til­ity, ve­get­a­tion or wa­ters.

6 Pla­cing on the mar­ket means the trans­fer or dis­pos­al for the first time, wheth­er or not for con­sid­er­a­tion, of equip­ment or ma­chines for dis­tri­bu­tion or use in Switzer­land. Equi­val­ent to pla­cing on the mar­ket is the com­mis­sion­ing, for the first time, of equip­ment or ma­chines at one's own en­ter­prise in cases where pla­cing on the mar­ket has not pre­vi­ously oc­curred.3

3 Amended by No I of the O of 18 June 2010, in force since 15 Ju­ly 2010 (AS 2010 2965).