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on Air Pollution Control

of 16 December 1985 (Status as of 1 January 2023)

Art. 4 Preventive emission limits specified by the authorities

1 Emis­sions for which no lim­it is spe­cified in this Or­din­ance or for which a par­tic­u­lar lim­it is de­clared not to ap­ply, shall be lim­ited pre­vent­ively by the au­thor­it­ies as far as is tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible and eco­nom­ic­ally ac­cept­able.

2 Emis­sion lim­it­a­tion meas­ures are tech­nic­ally and op­er­a­tion­ally feas­ible if they:

have been suc­cess­fully tested at com­par­able in­stall­a­tions in Switzer­land or abroad; or
have been suc­cess­fully ap­plied in ex­per­i­ments and can be trans­ferred to oth­er in­stall­a­tions from a tech­no­lo­gic­al per­spect­ive.

3 The as­sess­ment of the eco­nom­ic ac­cept­ab­il­ity of emis­sion lim­it­a­tions shall be based on an av­er­age, eco­nom­ic­ally sound en­ter­prise in the rel­ev­ant sec­tor. If a par­tic­u­lar sec­tor con­tains widely dif­fer­ing classes of en­ter­prises, the as­sess­ment shall be based on an av­er­age en­ter­prise of the rel­ev­ant class.