on Air Pollution Control

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Art. 20b Requirements

1 Mo­bile ma­chines and equip­ment with in­tern­al com­bus­tion en­gines that are not in­ten­ded for use on the roads (ma­chines and equip­ment with in­tern­al com­bus­tion en­gines) must sat­is­fy the re­quire­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 Num­ber 4.

2 New ma­chines and equip­ment with in­tern­al com­bus­tion en­gines may only be placed on the mar­ket if the con­form­ity of the en­gines with the re­quire­ments spe­cified in An­nex 4 Num­ber 4 has been demon­strated (Art. 20c).

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