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on Air Pollution Control

Art. 28 Ambient air pollution forecast

1 Be­fore a sta­tion­ary in­stall­a­tion or trans­port in­fra­struc­ture ex­pec­ted to be a sig­ni­fic­ant source of emis­sions is con­struc­ted or ret­ro­fit­ted, the au­thor­it­ies may re­quest the own­er to provide an am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion fore­cast.

2 The fore­cast must in­dic­ate what type, ex­tent and fre­quency of am­bi­ent air pol­lu­tion levels are to be ex­pec­ted in what areas.

3 The fore­cast shall in­clude de­tails of the type and level of emis­sions, as well as the dis­per­sion con­di­tions and the cal­cu­la­tion meth­ods used.