on Air Pollution Control

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Art. 33 Putting the action plan into effect 36

1 The meas­ures con­tained in the ac­tion plan are gen­er­ally to be put in­to ef­fect with­in five years.

2 As a mat­ter of pri­or­ity, the au­thor­it­ies shall or­der meas­ures for in­stall­a­tions that ac­count for more than 10 % of the total pol­lu­tion load.

3 The can­tons shall reg­u­larly re­view the ef­fect­ive­ness of the meas­ures and shall amend the ac­tion plans if ne­ces­sary. They shall in­form the pub­lic ac­cord­ingly.

36 Amended by No I of the O of 15 Dec. 1997, in force since 1 March 1998 (AS 1998223).

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