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Noise Abatement Ordinance

Art. 43 Sensitivity levels

1 In land use zones ac­cord­ing to Art­icles 14 ff. of the Spa­tial Plan­ning Act of 22 June 197941, the fol­low­ing sens­it­iv­ity levels ap­ply:

sens­it­iv­ity level I in zones with high­er noise abate­ment re­quire­ments, not­ably in leis­ure zones;
sens­it­iv­ity level II in zones in which op­er­a­tions that emit noise are not per­mit­ted, not­ably in res­id­en­tial zones and zones for pub­lic build­ings and in­stall­a­tions;
sens­it­iv­ity level III in zones in which op­er­a­tions emit­ting a cer­tain level of noise are per­mit­ted, not­ably in res­id­en­tial and in­dus­tri­al zones (mixed zones) and ag­ri­cul­tur­al zones;
sens­it­iv­ity level IV in zones in which op­er­a­tions emit­ting a high level of noise are per­mit­ted, not­ably in in­dus­tri­al zones.

2 Parts of land use zones rated as sens­it­iv­ity levels I or II may be as­signed the next high­er level if they are already ex­posed to noise.